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Community guidelines

Essentially, words can hurt. Be nice but clear!

Things to know

  • Our comments run on the third-party Disqus platform. You can read its privacy policy, recently updated to reflect strict new privacy laws in Europe that will ultimately be applied for all users within and without Europe, here.
  • You can register a Disqus profile either directly with Disqus, or with your Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts. Disqus does not require you use your real name.
  • Your thoughts are important to me. I read, moderated and publish all comments that are not filtered out as spam.

Tone and Attitude

  • Be inviting, passionate and share your thoughts.
  • Please do not personally attack or use hurtful words.
  • Do not criticize a brand, company or product, and attacking people on the basis of their race, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age.
  • No racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of hate-speech!

Clarity and Intent

  • Be clear and intentional to avoid ambiguity in your messages.
  • Do not “shout”, be sarcastic, condescending or mean.