A gentle introduction to Git

According to the Stack Overflow software developer survey for 2021 - 94.41% (50,563 out of 54,943) professional developers suggest that Git is a fundamental tool to being a developer.
🎉 At the end of this course you should be able to:
- install and configure Git.
- clone and work on repositories.
- run basic commands from the terminal.
- use a GUI with ease.
- deal with merge conflicts.
- understand how CI/CD and GitLab works.
- have basic Git etiquette and understand the discipline.
There is a remote repository on GitHub for you to practice and play around with. Your exercises will make use of this repository.
- Official documentation
- Source Code - GitHub
- Free Pro Git book - Official Git Documentation
- Learn about GitHub - GitHub
- Learn Git - GitKraken
- Introduction to Git and GitHub - Hackernoon