All things related to Clojure


Napkin-Sized Clojure Crash Course

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Sunday, 24 November 2024 · Estimated 6 minute read

In my previous article, I introduced my journey to learning Clojure. I was taught Clojure basics on a napkin by my friend Len at a kiddies trampoline joint. This article aims to teach you the basics …


My wonderland from .NET to Clojure

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Saturday, 23 November 2024 · Estimated 6 minute read

TL;DR I started as a .NET developer, comfortable in my familiar bubble. But when my friend Len introduced me to Clojure, I decided to take a leap into an unfamiliar world—right around the time I was …


Redact values in a map using clojure.walk/postwalk

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Monday, 22 August 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read


How to run a single Clojure test from the terminal using Leiningen

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Monday, 8 August 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

You may want to target and run a specific test or set of tests when testing your code so that you don't keep executing the entire suite each time you make changes to specific tests. This creates a fa…


How to unmap a var from a Clojure namespace

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Tuesday, 21 June 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

I was working with a multimethod that I needed to redefine in my REPL and came across this doc. There is an entry that states if you are in the REPL and need to redefine then you will need to unmap t…


Creating a Clojure solution using IntelliJ

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 17 April 2019 · Estimated 1 minute read

I am creating a simple Clojure web app and API. In this post I explore how to create each with the command and what references I need to use. I plan to work on a monolith IntelliJ and git solution s…


Logging to Graylog in Clojure

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Friday, 30 November 2018 · Estimated 2 minute read

It's simple. I wanted to log to Graylog from my Clojure application. I banged my head numerous times trying to figure out how and why it did't want to work. Here's what I did to complete my mission. …


Clojure Buzzwords I am Learning

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 15 August 2018 · Estimated 8 minute read

When I first started with Clojure, my mind was foggy and filled with a swarm of buzzwords. There were tools, plugins, libraries, patterns and frameworks with names that were all new to me. This is a …


My First Week at CloudAfrica

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Friday, 6 July 2018 · Estimated 3 minute read

Stay tuned if you are interested to know what I learned, did and achieved in the past week. Maybe something I did could be of interest to you. Only time will tell. Read on. Monday I started the week …

My First Week at CloudAfrica