Connect to Astra DB using the client
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Learn more about the Astra DB client, how to create it and how to pass environment variables to it.

Clarice Bouwer
Software Engineering Team Lead and Director of Cloudsure
Sunday, 23 October 2022 Β· Estimated 1 minute read
Modified on Tuesday, 1 November 2022
- Understand what the Astra DB Client is.
- Understand the need to pass environment variables to the client.
- Create the client in JavaScript.
Astra DB Client
You will need to be able to connect to our Astra DB collection. To do this you will create an Astra Client that will use your secret environment variables file to pass in the ID, region and app token.
When you get the collection, you need to provide the keyspace and the collection
name (in this case it's the hardcoded - π - sag_todos
but this can be configurable).
const { createClient } = require("@astrajs/collections");
let astraClient = null;
const getAstraClient = async () => {
if (astraClient === null) {
astraClient = await createClient(
astraDatabaseId: process.env.ASTRA_DB_ID,
astraDatabaseRegion: process.env.ASTRA_DB_REGION,
applicationToken: process.env.ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN,
return astraClient;
const getCollection = async () => {
const documentClient = await getAstraClient();
return documentClient
module.exports = { getAstraClient, getCollection };