Casting spells

All things related to npm


How to minify CSS files via CopyWebpackPlugin for Webpack5

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 15 June 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

Goal Emit minified vendor-based CSS files on build. Dependencies Elaborate I have a few unminified vendor CSS files that I simply want to minify and copy to an output directory. These files were not …


How to sort your package.json dependencies

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Monday, 18 April 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

is short hand for and . "example" is just the name of a package. You can use it verbatim because it will most likely not be in your package.json. Your packages are sorted by running npm remove even …


How to reference a local Webpack npm package

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Friday, 14 January 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

With the help of this question and answer from Stack Overflow: Install the local npm package using the file path. Check node_modules to see the installed package. (or depending on the requirements) …


How can I create a ClojureScript web app from scratch with Reagent and npm?

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 17 November 2021 · Estimated 5 minute read

The goal of this guide is to create a basic Reagent ClojureScript web app from scratch using the Clojure CLI tools. We are going to bundle our JavaScript using Webpack, have HMR (Hot Module Replaceme…