All things related to Personal Brand


Behind the Scenes: My Blog

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Tuesday, 28 August 2018 · Estimated 2 minute read

I developed corporate programmer using a Ruby-based static-site generator called Jekyll. It transforms Markdown, Liquid, HTML and CSS to a static website so that no is database required. While I was …



Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 · Estimated 1 minute read

I've been very quite. A year's worth of quiet to be exact. I'm sorry. I'm still here. I still plan on blogging, just a little differently now and maybe shorter posts. Writing is hard. Saying goodbye …


How I got my article published

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Saturday, 13 August 2016 · Estimated 4 minute read

I am proud to announce that my article got published on A List Apart giving me the chance to share my career experiences with the community. My article — "Finding Opportunities in the Mistakes We Mak…

How I got my article published

What it means to be an expert

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 22 June 2016 · Estimated 1 minute read

Accelerate your learning by sharing what you learn with others while you are learning it. Experts aren't people who know absolutely everything in their field of expertise. Take GPs for example, they …

What it means to be an expert

Branding your identity

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Monday, 6 June 2016 · Estimated 4 minute read

It's important to know that having an engaging community presence is far more beneficial than experience alone. Think how the web has evolved. There are so many technologies that it is impossible to …

Branding your identity

Escaping the social comfort zone

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Monday, 23 May 2016 · Estimated 2 minute read

"I think that we grow when we are outside our comfort zone. If it's not breaking you down, it's not building you up." quoted by Scott Hanselman The comfort zone. What a wonderful place. It's so safe …

Escaping the social comfort zone

You don't have to be a number

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Thursday, 28 April 2016 · Estimated 2 minute read

Do you feel like a number? Making a name for yourself in the software development community helps build street cred in the corporate world. When you join the corporate world, you become a number. At …


Welcome to my blog

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Friday, 1 April 2016 · Estimated 1 minute read

My name is Clarice Bouwer. I have been a professional software developer since 2006 and I still feel like I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Regardless, I learn some pretty cool stuff that I …