Painting a masterpiece

All things related to JavaScript


Create a React app with MongoDB and Firebase authentication hosted on Google Cloud Platform

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 2 November 2022 ·

At the end of this course you would have created a web application that can list things, in this case companies. Authenticated users can rate these companies by clicking on stars and they can comment…


Create a Jamstack app with Netlify, Astra DB and Tailwind CSS

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Thursday, 20 October 2022 ·

Objectives At the end of this course you would have created a primitive todo React app which integrates with a DataStax Astra DB via Netlify serverless functions and was made pretty with Tailwind CSS…


How to read Node.js environment variables

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Tuesday, 18 October 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

Running a Node app is simple. Sometimes you want to add environment variables that either contain sensitive information or are contextual to the environment you want to run your app on. You can set t…


How to show filenames in code snippets in Gatsby in Markdown

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Sunday, 9 October 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

With the gatsby-remark-code-titles plugin. Custom title gets injected and then needs to be styled. Example from docs: Usage This plugin will parse the Markdown AST, pluck the title, and then “clean” …


Utility to fix npm dependencies

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Sunday, 9 October 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

There is a utility called npm-check that offers the ability to interactively update outdated, incorrect or unused dependencies: Take a look at the switches. It offers way more than just that. Usage S…


Why you will see the error 'Loading chunk \d+ failed'

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Tuesday, 6 September 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

I know of the following reasons why chunks cannot be downloaded: Network errors Inspect the network in the browser dev tools to find out more information about the errors. Resources not found They do…


How to minify CSS files via CopyWebpackPlugin for Webpack5

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 15 June 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

Goal Emit minified vendor-based CSS files on build. Dependencies Elaborate I have a few unminified vendor CSS files that I simply want to minify and copy to an output directory. These files were not …


Make sure Git knows about case-sensitive changes to your file names

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Wednesday, 1 June 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

It's only peculiar if you don't understand it and for a while, I didn't understand it. It builds locally but then can't resolve component on Netlify. It started with me migrating my blog from Gatsby …


How to sort your package.json dependencies

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Monday, 18 April 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

is short hand for and . "example" is just the name of a package. You can use it verbatim because it will most likely not be in your package.json. Your packages are sorted by running npm remove even …


Name CSS Split Chunks using MiniCssExtractPlugin

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Thursday, 17 March 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

React: 17.0.2 Webpack: 5.67.0 Webpack CLI: 4.9.1 mini-css-extract-plugin 2.5.3 Snippet Objective Bust the cache for CSS files that are emitted on build using Webpack 5 with Split Chunks. Set up one …


How to sort stories alphabetically in Storybook (6.2)

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Monday, 17 January 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read


How to reference a local Webpack npm package

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Friday, 14 January 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

With the help of this question and answer from Stack Overflow: Install the local npm package using the file path. Check node_modules to see the installed package. (or depending on the requirements) …


Use React hooks inside an MDX story in Storybook

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Thursday, 13 January 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read

Originally posted on A story captures the rendered state of a UI component. Developers write multiple stories per component that describe all the “interesting” states a component can support. …


Use React hooks inside an MDX story in Storybook

Clarice Bouwer
Clarice Bouwer
Thursday, 13 January 2022 · Estimated 1 minute read